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Studio (Tischlerei) - Deutsche Oper Berlin

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World premiere on 16 November 2024


The stress starts on the way to school. You're late, nobody wants to sit next to you. The others laugh at you and you are bullied because of your clothes ... The planned world premiere of IMMMERMEEEHR by composer Gordon Kampe and librettist Maria Milisavljević is a musical theatre work by and for children aged eight and over. The main roles in the piece are played by the children's chorus and five child soloists from the children's chorus ... Conductor: Christian Lindhorst; Director: Franziska Seeberg
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Kurven, Bögen und Farbflächen weisen in der Saison 24/25 auf die Uraufführungen in der Tischlerei hin. Dieses Motiv in weiß, lila, blau und orange illustriert die Uraufführung unseres Kinderstückes IMMMERMEEEHR.
World premiere on 28 February 2025

Ab in den Ring!

The ghosts of King Gunther, Siegfried and Brünhilde are up to mischief in a place that is commonly known as a stage-set fundus. Wagner's children will do anything to win the audience's heart! Day in, day out, intrigue, murder and manslaughter, one drama follows the next. It's time for a good sweep - and with humour! ... Artistic direction: tutti d*amore - Berlin collective for contemporary operetta; Conductor: Elda Laro; With Caroline Schnitzer, Ferdinand Keller, Ludwig Obst (tutti d*amore) and members of the ensemble.
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Kurven, Bögen und Farbflächen weisen in der Saison 24/25 auf die Uraufführungen in der Tischlerei hin. Dieses Motiv in hellblau, gelb, lila und schwarz illustriert die Uraufführung unseres Operetten-Projektes AB IN DEN RING!.
World premiere on 27 April 2025

Neue Szenen VII

The competition, organised as a collaboration between Deutsche Oper and the Hanns Eisler School of Music, was and is primarily intended as a laboratory for the future. It is explicitly aimed at teams of composers and authors. The three new music theatre works of around 30 minutes in length will be created with students from the Hanns Eisler School of Music, who will perform them on stage by directing, playing and singing ... Work 1: Chamber opera by Haukur þór Harðarson with a libretto by Sophie Fetokaki; Work 2: Chamber opera by Zara Ali with a libretto by Hannah Dübgen; Work 3: Chamber opera by Huihui Cheng with a libretto by Giuliana Kiersz
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Kurven, Bögen und Farbflächen weisen in der Saison 24/25 auf die Uraufführungen in der Tischlerei hin. Dieses Motiv in Blautönen, lila, hellgrau und schwarz illustriert die Uraufführungen unseres Kammeropern-Triptychons NEUE SZENEN.
Premiere on 13 June 2025

Wagner weltweit

"Wagner Worldwide" is a multi-perspective music theatre production for one singer and a scalable orchestra, in which global networks and personal emotional entanglements with political events come together in one place: the evening news studio. "Wagner Worldwide" brings to the stage how the activities of the internationally active paramilitary Russian mercenary group Wagner are connected to the mythologies staged by Richard Wagner.
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Kurven, Bögen und Farbflächen weisen in der Saison 24/25 auf die Uraufführungen in der Tischlerei hin. Dieses Motiv in hellgrün, pink und Sandfarbe illustriert die Premiere unserer politischen Performance WAGNER WELTWEIT.

Young Opera - Junge Deutsche Oper

Regardless of where you come from, how you define yourself, what you know and what experiences you bring with you: You are welcome here - children, young people, babies, young adults and their companions. We at Junge Deutsche Oper want to give young people access to the world of music theatre and open up a world for you in which there is something for everyone to discover.
To the complete programme of the Junge Deutsche Oper
Eine Schnappschuss aus der Aufführung des Kinderclubs mit einem Blechritter vor goldenem Licht und drei Kindern in Bergmannsschürze und Fliegerbrille
IMMMERMEEEHR - world premiere on 16 November 2024

Children write opera

Gordon Kampe and Maria Milisavljević create music theatre for children aged eight and up. The main roles are played by the children's chorus and five child soloists from its ranks, complemented by four adult solos and seven musicians. With this world premiere, we are continuing our successful work on building up a repertoire in the field of music theatre for children and young people. The result is a piece in which, in a professional, contemporary production, children sing and act on stage for children of the same age in the audience in a play whose content was developed in a participatory process together with the director Franziska Seeberg.
A Workshop report
Auf dem Foto sind zwei ehemalige Schülerinnen der Grimm-Grundschule im Wedding. Gemeinsam mit dem Kompositionsteam haben sie Themen und Texte für IMMMERMEEEHR entwickelt.
Ab in den Ring! - World premiere on 28 February 2025

Wagner fresh on the table

The collective tutti d*amore consists of a director, a mezzo-soprano and two tenors. The name is a nod to the Italian operatic tradition, but in a clichéd way: it is untranslatable, the kind of rubbish Italian that sometimes occurs in the German version of Italo pop. The "Amore", or love of music, takes centre stage and they have agreed on certain goals in their six-year collaboration: Oper*etta for everyone is their motto. And they want it to be colourful, wild and highly professional ... tutti d*amore put their own spin on Oscar Straus' DIE LUSTIGEN NIBELUNGEN - and create an operetta spectacle.
Read in our blog
Ab in den Ring!
Die vier Gründungsmitglieder des Oper*ette-Kollektivs tutti d'amore sitzen an einem Tisch im Ristorante Don Giovanni. Sie essen Pasta und Pizza.: Caroline Schnitzer, Ludwig Obst, Anna Weber und Ferdinand Keller (von links). Das Foto illustriert unseren Blogartikel zu "Wagner frisch auf den Tisch" © Hannes Wiedemann
NEW SCENES VII - World premieres on 27 April 2025

Kickstarter for musical theatre

NEUEN SZENEN has been bringing young teams to the Tischlerei for more than ten years. Three creative minds look back: composer Sara Gloinarić, director Michael Höppner and librettist Fanny Sorgo. From 27 April 2025, the seventh version of this international composition competition will take place, in which a brand new chamber opera triptych will once again see the light of day.
Read in our blog
New Scenes VII
Auf diesem Bild ist eine Szenenimpression aus einer Kammeroper aus NEUE SZENEN. Drei Astronauten stehen in einer "Blase". Dieses Bild illustriert verallgemeinernd die Möglichkeiten, die in den szenischen Umsetzungen dieses Hochschulprojektes liegen können.
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Our video recommendations

Stabat Mater: Ein Stück der JDO und des jungen RambaZamba
video - 05:38 min.

Stabat Mater: Ein Stück der JDO und des ...

Stabat Mater: Ein Stück der JDO und des jungen RambaZamba
immmermeeehr – Ein Videoteaser
video - 04:20 min.

immmermeeehr – Ein Videoteaser

immmermeeehr – Ein Videoteaser
Christiane Mudra: Beta
video - 01:33 min.

Christiane Mudra: Beta

Christiane Mudra: Beta
Elli Neubert, Ralph Heidel: Gastmahl – Ein  Teaser
video - 01:07 min.

Elli Neubert, Ralph Heidel: Gastmahl – Ein ...

Elli Neubert, Ralph Heidel: Gastmahl – Ein Teaser
gamut inc's Zeroth Law – Das nullte Gesetz
video - 00:39 min.

gamut inc's Zeroth Law – Das nullte Gesetz ...

gamut inc's Zeroth Law – Das nullte Gesetz
Marie-Ève Signeyrole und Keyvan Chemirani: Negar
video - 01:24 min.

Marie-Ève Signeyrole und Keyvan Chemirani: ...

Marie-Ève Signeyrole und Keyvan Chemirani: Negar


Chamber music in the Tischlerei


The selection of works and the dramaturgical conception of the Tischlereikonzerte are in the hands of the musicians of the orchestra. They are inspired by the new productions or revivals of the opera programme to create stimulating themes and unusual programmes that are unparalleled in their musical range in Berlin. From solo violin to songs to percussion ensembles, from Josquin Desprez to Mozart's "Ein musikalischer Spaß", Dvořák's "American String Quartet" to Shostakovich, Cage and Xenakis, everything is heard in the special atmosphere of the Tischlerei.
Auf dem Foto ein Blechbläserensemble(zwei Trompeten, Horn, Tuba und Posaune) während eines Kammerkonzertes in der Tischlerei.
Chamber Music I - 23 October 2024 | Foyer

The young gaze

Graduates of music academies who have enjoyed outstanding training as soloists are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with an extraordinarily large opera repertoire at the Orchestra Academy. However, the cultivation of chamber music is also of great importance. That is why one concert in the orchestra's chamber music series is organised by the academy members each season. You can look forward to an individual evening that they organise together with their mentors.
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In witzigen Posen und schnellen Bewegungen sind unsere Akademist*innen hier zwischen den Stehtischen im Barbereich unseres Parkett-Foyers.
Chamber Music II - 26 November 2024

Emperor, King.... Composer

This chamber concert takes our premiere of Verdi's MACBETH as a thematic opportunity to shed light on power and power relations over the centuries and to look at composing in their field of tension. Experience a journey through time from Bach's "Musical Offering" to Haydn's "Emperor Quartet" and socialist realism.
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Ein golden bezogener Stuhl, eine Trompete, eine alte Schieß-Büchse und leicht zerknüllte Notenblätter illustrieren das Thema: Komponieren im Zeichen der Macht.
Chamber Music III - 24 January 2025

In tempore belli

Artistic creation in times of war: This concert features works and presentations by composers who responded to wars and battles with personal trauma or escape into fantastic parallel worlds. Listen to works by Maurice Ravel, Lili Boulanger and Viktor Ullmann, among others.
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Aus einem offenen Koffer fallen einige Notenblätter. Dieses Motiv illustriert das Thema des Konzertes: Musik in Zeiten von Kriegen.
Chamber Music IV - 12 March 2025


Once again this season, an unusual and personal programme will be created under the title "Spotlights": musicians from the orchestra will play works that are particularly close to their hearts. The programme ranges from world-famous pieces from the chamber music repertoire to genuine rarities that are rarely heard in the concert hall.
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Einzelne Instrumente liegen auf den Stehtischen des Foyers. Dieses Motiv moderiert das Thema des Konzerts: Spotlights.
Chamber Music V - 10 April 2025

Against forgetfulness

In words, photos and music, the musicians of the orchestra remember Paul Feher, Theo Front, Berthold Goldschmidt and Hilde Reiss, former employees of the opera who were expelled by the National Socialists from 1933 onwards. Margarita Broich reads from personal documents. Works by Béla Bártok, Berthold Goldschmidt and Viktor Ullmann will be performed.
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Ein einsamer Koffer steht in einem leeren Raum. Dieses Motiv illustriert das Motto des Kammerkonzerts: Wider das Veressen.
Chamber Music VI - 23 June 2025

In the mirror

This chamber music evening is all about mythological transformation stories in text and music: Richard Strauss' "Metamorphoses", Benjamin Britten's "Narcissus" and works by Karol Szymanowski and Thea Musgrave will be performed.
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Eine Blume steht vor einem Spiegel. Dieses Motiv illustriert das Thema des Konzerts: Kammermusik das sich mit Selbstbespiegelungen beschäftigt, zum Beispiel Narcissus-Kompositionen von Britten oder Musgrave.

Jazz, Jazz, Jazz

The Big Band of the Deutsche Oper Berlin and its "little sister", the JazzCombo, have long since established their own tradition at the house. In addition to the established Jazz & Lyrics series and two large concerts on the main stage, the fifth festival will take place in spring.
To the Jazz Festival from 5 to 12 May 2025
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Auf dem Foto: Einer der Gründer der BigBand und Kurator der Jazz-Programm Rüdiger Ruppert
Jazz & Lyrics I - 9, 10 November 2024

Blue Note Records

Founded by Alfred Lion and Francis Wolff, two German-Jewish emigrants in New York in 1939, the jazz label, which was named after the famous Blue Note of swing, jazz and blues, quickly gained significant importance. This is because the crème de la crème of jazz musicians were all over the recording studios. Experience the greatest hits of "hot jazz" and "boogie-woogie". Speeches between the various songs and standards will introduce you to the players, the era and the musicians.
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Auf dem Foto sind Blechblasinstrumente mit Lichtreflexen. Im Hintergrund Rüdiger Ruppert am Schlagzeug.
Jazz & Lyrics II - 12, 13 December 2024

Blame It on the Bossa Nova

They are located somewhere between Adenauer and riots, between staid bourgeoisie and bikini, between sauerbraten and a yearning for Italy: The hits of the 60s. Some of the hits will certainly make you wistful, others will make you smile. Combined with short stories by Elke Heidenreich, the musicians invite you to a nostalgic evening in the Tischlerei.
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Auf dem Foto eine Impression aus der Saxofongruppe mit Lichtreflexen auf den Instrumenten.
Jazz & Lyrics III - 15, 16 February 2025

Synaesthesia and jazz

Hearing colours, tasting sounds: This evening focuses on artists whose sensory perceptions function differently to those of most people and who were able to draw enormous creative potential from this. The musicians around Rüdiger Ruppert and Sebastian Krol certainly don't just look at Johann Wolfgang Goethe or Stevie Wonder.
To Jazz & Lyrics III
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Auf dem Bild ist eine Impression aus der Trompetensektion.
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