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Young Opera - Deutsche Oper Berlin

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Opera is for everyone!

Opera is a place of music and theatre, of sounds and images and great emotions, a place that makes many discoveries possible. Regardless of where you come from, how you define yourself, what you know and what experiences you bring with you: You are welcome here - children, young people, babies, young adults and their companions. We at Junge Deutsche Oper want to give young people access to the world of music theatre and open up a world for you in which there is something for everyone to discover. Concert formats, opera and music theatre can be experienced on the main stage, in the Tischlerei and in the foyer as part of school and daycare or in your free time with your family. We look forward to the 2024/25 season with you, your Fanny Frohnmeyer, Director of Junge Deutsche Oper
Opera is for everyone!
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16 [2×], 17, 19, 23, 24 [2×], 25, 29, 30; Nov. 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 18, 21 [2×], 27, 30. Dec. 2024

immmermeeehr / More and more (8+)

What are children's worries? And how can children deal with and overcome their problems? The text for IMMMERMEEEHR, a musical theatre piece about how children deal with everyday stress, pressure to perform, domestic worries and memories of war and flight, was created together with children. The piece was also created for and with the children's choir of the Deutsche Oper Berlin.
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Kurven, Bögen und Farbflächen weisen in der Saison 24/25 auf die Uraufführungen in der Tischlerei hin. Dieses Motiv in weiß, lila, blau und orange illustriert die Uraufführung unseres Kinderstückes IMMMERMEEEHR.
28 September 2024 [2x], 4 November 2024

Expedition Tirili

We travel light, without an elaborate stage set, because we usually perform on location, in the day-care centres. Recently, we have also started performing in the foyer of the Deutsche Oper Berlin! Two musicians go on a musical theatre research trip with the children. Together they ask themselves: How are sounds created? What is music made of? Who or what is this mysterious TIRILI?
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5, 11, 18, 23 December 2024

Children' s ballet - The Nutcracker (4+)

David Simic's choreography promises a marvellous way to get into the Christmas spirit. Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky's famous music is for many directly associated with the Christmas experience and transports us into a nostalgic world in which dancing snowflakes, a Christmas tree and the joy of a very special feeling are expressed in a dreamlike way. The children of the Kinder Ballett Kompanie Berlin will be dancing.
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Die Schlacht zwischen dem Mäuseheer und den Mannen des Nussknackers. Im Vordergrund holt der Nussknacker aus zum finalen Streiche mit einem Degen.
A jazz fairy tale - on 11 and 12 May 2025 in the Tischlerei

Magic Dragon Mo (4+)

This jazz fairy tale for children aged between 4 and 7 about the little dragon Mo shows the healing power of music in a playful way. It deals with questions about one's own vocation and the desire for belonging and a place in the world. A great magic dragon adventure in which Mo discovers his own abilities ... With Burkhard Ulrich, Christian Meyers, Kenneth Berkel, Igor Spallati, Rüdiger Ruppert
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Ein Blick in die Aufführung im Rangfoyer: Auf dem cremeweißen Teppich auf bunten Sitzkissen sitzen die Kinder ab 4 Jahren und lauschen der Geschichte und den Klängen über den Zauberdrachen Mo.
after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 22 [2x], 28 Nov; 31 Mar; 14, 15 Apr.

The Fairy Tale of the Magic Fute (5+)

Tamino falls in love with Pamina, whom he is only allowed to marry if they pass difficult tests. Through the "fair sound" of the Magic Flute, they both succeed in overcoming fire and water. Papageno and Papagena also find each other through the magic of music. And so that the opera in this version only lasts 70 minutes and is thus over half shorter than its big sister, a narrator summarises the events ... Conductor: Friedrich Praetorius; Director: Gerlinde Pelkowski; With Jörg Schörner, Alexandra Oomens / Lilit Davtyan, Hye-Young Moon, Chance Jonas-O'Toole / Kangyoon Shine Lee, Andrew Harris / Patrick Guetti, Markus Brück / Philipp Jekal, Nina Solodovnikova a. o.
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Papageno und Tamino im Gespräch über Schlangenbändigung und mehr. Ein zartgrünes Kostüm kleidet Papageno, in hellblau und weiß ist Tamino gekleidet. Rokoko wird zitiert mit Kniebundhosen, Seidenstrümpfen, Schnallenschuhen, großen Ärmelaufschlägen und Volants am Hemd.
Engelbert Humperdinck - 13, 20, 26 [2x], 28 December 2024

Hänsel und Gretel (8+)

The Grimm fairy tale is well-known, Humperdinck's score oscillates between children's song and late romantic, opulent Wagnerian sound. Andreas Homoki's lovingly child-friendly production of the Christmas opera classic has been in the theatre's repertoire for over 25 years and continues to inspire children, parents and grandparents for the world of musical theatre ... Conductor: Friedrich Praetorius; Director: Andreas Homoki; With Artur Garbas, Maria Motolygina, Karis Tucker / Annika Schlicht, Meechot Marrero / Nina Solodovnikova, Burkhard Ulrich / Patrick Cook a. o.
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Eine Szenenimpression aus Andreas Homokis Inszenierung: Links oben im Bild hängt Hänsel in seinem roten Gitterkäfig. Rechts unten stehen die Hexe und Gretel.
Leoš Janáček - 19, 22, 23 December 2024; 4, 5 January 2025

The Cunning Little Vixen (10+)

This cheerful, melancholy work about a cunning vixen is not called a "Czech Midsummer Night's Dream" for nothing. The figures of the animal and human worlds are closely interwoven here to create an allegory about the cycle of life and death. In this late work, Janáček composed an impressionistic soundscape of subtly orchestrated short scenes and episodes, orchestral preludes and transformations, and Katharina Thalbach's detailed staging emphasises the enchanting character of this work ... Conductor: Marko Letonja; Director: Katharina Thalbach; With Joel Allison / Geon Kim, Jared Werlein, Meechot Marrero / Alexandra Oomens, Arianna Manganello / Martina Baroni and others.
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Einträchtig beieinander sitzen der junge Fuchs und das Füchslein Schlaukopf auf einem großen Stein im Wald. Sie haben die Liebe gefunden.
from 10 years - 15, 28 Sep; 19 Oct; 17 Nov; 15 Dec 2024; 3, 28 Jan; 9 Feb; 4 March; 4 April; 1, 16 May; 28 June; 12 July 2025

The Magic Flute (10+)

The unequal friends Tamino and Papageno move between the realms of the night and the temple of the sun in their search for love. Tamino is in search of Pamina and Papageno finds Papagena. A fairytale-like story in a world marked by contrasts. Colourful and pictorially strong staging by Günther Krämer.
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Auf dem Foto eine Impression (Tamino trifft auf die Schlange) aus Günter Krämers Inszenierung der ZAUBERFLÖTE.
For all from 12 years old

Sing along! ... The Intergenerational Chorus of the Deutsche Oper Berlin is looking for choristers

Our intergenerational chorus is open to everyone aged 12 and over. People of different ages and backgrounds sing together here. This season, songs will be sung on the theme of ‘People in Nature’, with a performance at our spring concert. This year, the intergenerational chorus will also be singing ‘labour songs and protest songs’. In addition, interested members of the Intergenerational Chorus have the opportunity to become part of the performances of RISE AND FALL OF THE CITY OF MAHAGONNY in the main theatre in July 2025 as the ‘Working People's Chorus’. The chorus will be led by Senta Aue, a long-standing member of our opera chorus ... Rehearsals take place on Mondays from 4-5.30 pm at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. If you are interested, please contact
Sing along! ... The Intergenerational Chorus of the Deutsche Oper Berlin is looking for choristers
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"Till Eulenspiegel's funny pranks" on 18 March 2025

Family concert (6+)

Till Eulenspiegel is a well-known prankster. In his 15-minute work, Richard Strauss has the orchestra play the pranks he likes to play. In our family concert, presented by conductor Lorenzo Viotti (pictured), we reveal which pranks sound how and also give an insight into the sound colours of the individual instruments that play in an opera orchestra and transform the stories told here into music.
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Our video recommendations

Stabat Mater: a piece by the JDO and young RambaZamba
video - 05:38 min.

Stabat Mater: a piece by the JDO and young ...

Stabat Mater: a piece by the JDO and young RambaZamba
immmermeeehr – A Video teaser
video - 04:20 min.

immmermeeehr – A Video teaser

immmermeeehr – A Video teaser
Do you know the drumset
video - 14:13 min.

Do you know the drumset

Do you know the drumset
Do you know the trumpet
video - 09:28 min.

Do you know the trumpet

Do you know the trumpet


A school trip to the opera

Group booking form

Would you like to attend our performances with a school class? Then select them using our group booking form: the price per pupil is €10.00, as it is for accompanying adults at a ratio of 1:10. Further accompanying adults receive a 25% discount. If you have pupils in your class whose families cannot afford to visit the opera, please contact us with the keyword ‘opera experience’. We enable these pupils (maximum 10% of the pupils per school class) to attend the performance free of charge as part of a class booking.
The group booking form is available here.
Im Mittelpunkt des Bildes ist eine Eintrittskarte und zwei Hände. Fotografiert wurde eine typische Einlass-Situation, bei der der Besucher das Ticket präsentiert und der Kontrolleur es entwertet.
For families with children up to 6 years

Opera Families

The programme is aimed at families who are not yet familiar with the opera. Young children and their families have the opportunity to get to know the opera house in an age-appropriate way and free of charge, take part in musical workshops and experience rehearsal visits and musical theatre productions for children. In cooperation with family centres, daycare centres and the music school in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, children and adults get their first glimpse of opera in front of and behind the stage. Dates from autumn 2024.
Further information
Auf dem Foto von Pädagog*innen betreute Kinder an Trommeln
again from 1 September

Opera for young and old: Our generational performances

A total of 18 performances in the 24/25 season invite young and old to the opera house at special prices: children and young people up to the age of 18 each receive a ticket for € 10.00, pensioners and retirees a ticket for € 29.00. These tickets can already be purchased in advance. Visit performances of THE MAGIC FLUTE, IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, FIDELIO, DER ZWERG, THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN, MACBETH, INTERMEZZO (photo) or DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NÜRNBERG, among others.
Overview 2024/25
Der Heimflug nach der Konzerttournee: Im Flugzeug sitzen Hofkapellmeister Robert Storch und Kapellmeister Stroh
For school classes and day care centres

Opera from a different perspective: backstage tour and workshops

During the behind-the-scenes tours, the pupils can get to grips with opera in a variety of ways and gain an insight into the interaction between the diverse and numerous professions and departments. They get to know the stage, the orchestra pit and also the stage magazine from very close up and one or two hidden corners of this great opera house. In preparation for a visit to the opera, we offer school classes a wide range of workshops on all operas, which bring children and young people closer to musical theatre in a playful way.
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Eine Sicht in die Beleuchtungstrassen und auf die Rückseite des Bühnenbildes von TOSCA
Musicians close by for school groups

Orchestral music

An opera without an orchestra? Unthinkable! The musicians from the Deutsche Oper Berlin orchestra usually disappear into the orchestra pit during performances, but otherwise they are very happy to make contact with their audience. Pupils can visit rehearsals and talk to musicians. Instrument presentations give a closer look and present the instruments up close and also for trying out.
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Donald Runnicles zu Besuch in einer Schule im Rahmen des Kooperationsprogrammes "Rhapsody in School"
Class 10-13 | School lessons at the opera!

Family Crash

Daughters who hate their mothers, precocious girls and problems at the start of a relationship, fundamental marital problems and question marks over family planning - in Richard Strauss' operas ARABELLA, ELEKTRA, SALOME, INTERMEZZO and DIE FRAU OHNE SCHATTEN, everything revolves around conflicts within the family. We are taking the fact that these five operas are being performed in the 24/25 season as an opportunity to talk to young people about these topics with colleagues from the dramaturgy, orchestra and other departments. Rehearsal visits free of charge.
Auf dem Foto ist eine ikonische Szenenimpression aus Richard Strauss' Oper SALOME, auf der Salome umringt von ihren Doubles direkt ins Publikum blickt. SALOME wird im Rahmen der Strauss-Wochen im März wieder aufgeführt.
All trailers and features in one playlist!

Do you know the Junge Deutsche Oper on Youtube and Instagram?

Take a look behind the scenes, watch rehearsals, experience the journey from conception to premiere: The new YouTube channel of the Junge Deutsche Oper and the Children's Chorus of the Deutsche Oper Berlin is a wonderful place to browse through numerous trailers and documentaries of projects from recent years. Have fun!
Go to Youtube here!
JDO on Instagram
Eine Schnappschuss aus der Aufführung des Kinderclubs mit einem Blechritter vor goldenem Licht und drei Kindern in Bergmannsschürze und Fliegerbrille

TUSCH - Theatre and School

This year, our theatre teacher Elly Jarvis is exploring the question of money, work and value with the pupils and teachers of our TUSCH partner school Gebrüder Grimm Primary School. In addition, the children learn about opera and what makes it tick and how much work goes into it: the big stage as well as impressive sets and costumes, music and a big orchestra, opera singers, big emotions and drama and everything else that belongs to a house like the opera.

TUKI - Theatre and Daycare

From autumn 2023, Junge Deutsche Oper will once again enter into a partnership with a TUKI day-care centre and discover the world of music theatre together with a music theatre teacher. The nursery teachers will also be taken along and given music theatre pedagogical methods to help them make further musical and theatrical discoveries with the children in the nursery.

Workshops for teachers

For all those who would like to integrate music and theatre in school and day care centres, we offer workshops in which we present music theatre pedagogical methods and try them out together. We will discuss how these can be implemented for your age group and how you can integrate music theatre as an aesthetic and pedagogical design principle into everyday school life. In addition to open workshops, we also offer dates for closed groups such as colleges, specialist seminars and kindergarten teams.
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