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YDO for day care centres - Deutsche Oper Berlin

We have set ourselves the goal of using the resources of our theatre to foster and expand cultural education for young children in the mid to long term. The encounters take place at the Deutsche Oper Berlin or in the kindergarten.

Our Kita newsletter is published regularly and provides you with all the dates and additional current information about our performances and concerts, offers to join in and recommendations for performances on the main stage and in the Tischlerei.

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A daycare performance on 12 May 2025 in the Tischlerei

A jazz fairy tale for children aged between 4 and 7

Four musicians and a narrator guide the children through the story of the Magic Dragon Mo, who deals with questions about his own vocation and the desire to belong and find his place in the world. A great Magic Dragon adventure in which Mo discovers his own abilities.

Duration ca. 60 minutes
Suitable for children aged 4 and over

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A mobile music theatre for children from 3 to 6 years old

Children are a great audience: open, curious, enthusiastic. They don't miss the curtain or the orchestra pit and have no fixed idea of how an audience should behave.

Children are born explorers. Two musicians visit them in the nursery with their equipment and take them on a musical-theatrical journey of discovery. Together they ask themselves: How are sounds created? What is music made of? Who or what is this mysterious TIRILI?


Dates in day-care centres

We travel light, without an elaborate stage set, because we perform on location, in day-care centres in Berlin and Brandenburg.
The dates will be announced in due course.

Requirements for bookings in Kitas in Berlin and the surrounding area. 

  • The event is designed for an audience of up to 40 children.
  • Large room, min. 30 m², length in one direction min. 8 m
  • A clean, free playing area of at least 4 x 3 m that can be used as a stage
  • At least 2 m distance between the stage area and the auditorium
  • The performance space is available for set-up and preparation 45 minutes before the start of the performance
  • In addition, another room will be made available as a dressing room for the musicians

If you are interested, please send us an E-Mai



Dates at the opera

Expedition TIRILI" is now also making a stop in the rank foyer of the Deutsche Oper Berlin for a few performance dates and invites you to experience the sounds on the sand-coloured carpet and on brightly coloured seat cushions.

28 September 2024, 10.30 am and 12.00 pm (family performance)
4 November 2024, 11.00 am (daycare performance)

Tickets can be booked in the webshop!

Direction and cast

Production Franziska Seeberg
Performance Cathrin Romeis / Nina Rotner
Stage management Madeleine Kandschur (FSJ Kultur of the JDO)
Musical advice and rehearsal direction Thomas Prestin
Stage, costumes Janina Janke
Collaboration in play development Julia Bihl
Participating day care centre PFH-Kita Kastanienallee
Premiere 17 January 2020


Take a look at the trailer!


In the run-up to the production, the kindergarten experimented with sounds and themes as part of "TUKI ForscherTheater". This process flowed into the development of this "TUKI Stage" production, which is now being performed in Berlin daycare centres. Expedition TIRILI was supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.


9 concerts on 20, 21, 22 June 2025 / Tischlerei

To eavesdrop and participate

Two musicians guide the children and their adult companions through the world of sound of the instruments they have brought with them: A voice, a double bass, a tuba, a trombone and whatever else can surprisingly become an instrument. These sounds can also be experienced physically.

Duration 30 - 40 minutes
Suitable for children from 3 years

To the events:

Concerts for Kids


Our TUKI tandem partnership with the Westfälische Straße daycare centre in Berlin Charlottenburg focuses on children between the ages of three and six. They are sensitively introduced to the art of the stage by alternating between watching, playing and experiencing musical theatre. As part of a TUKI cooperation, the nursery's educational staff work with our music theatre teacher in creative teams to implement the TUKI idea. From the very beginning, further training in music theatre pedagogy also plays a major role for the educators.

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